Purchase of the Plot at Corner Tibusstraße/Breul, Province Münster, Hall 5, No. 672 (1997)

Sculpture. Projects in Münster 1997

Media, materials, events
Property corner of Tibusstrasse/Breul, Province Münster, Hall 5, No. 672. Text “What is the origin of a city? Land register and cadastre. To whom does the city belong? How public is public space? How private is private property? The city of Münster. Purchase of land (acquisition of land). Which piece of land? Location/position. Change of ownership/change of property. Real value/symbolic value”. Purchase and sale of plot at corner Tibusstraße/Breul, Province Münster, Hall 5, No. 672. Notarial registration of the real agreement. Signing of the bill of sale. Bills of sale. Entry of the changes in the land register. Extract from the land register. Cadastral map. Documentation of the property purchase. Documentation of the work of the “Verein zur Erhaltung preiswerten Wohnraums e.V.”, Münster. Publications, city maps, photographs. Resurveying of the property. Transfer of the proceeds from the property sale to the building renovation budget of the “Verein zur Erhaltung preiswerten Wohnraums e.V.” Etc.

Places, institutions
Land registry, Münster district court. Westfälisches Landesmuseum. Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe. Plot at corner Tibusstraße/Breul, Province Münster, Hall 5, No. 672. Verein zur Erhaltung preiswerten Wohnraums e.V., Münster. Real Estate Office (Liegenschaftsamt) of the City of Münster.



Detail: Plot at corner of Tibusstraße/Breul, Province Münster, Hall 5, No. 672

Photo: Roman Mensing
Courtesy: Galerie Barbara Weiss