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October 4

Ofensiva generozităţii [Offensive of generosity] – discussions and presentations

Invited project – The  Rahova-Uranus Community Center– architect Ruxandra Antal

Ofensiva Generozităţii is a group of artists and volunteers working with the community from Uranus-Rahova neighbourhood in Bucharest, part of a project called “Build your community”, a communitarian art and social involvement project. The workshops and the discussions proposed by Ofensiva Generozităţii were based on: screenings of documentaries featuring locals talking about their everyday lives and about the effects of gentrification on their community; presentation of video documentation of theatre plays written and performed together with the people from the neighbourhood; presentation of documentation material about the reconditioning of a park from the area and the organization of a “speaker’s corner” where people from the area could talk about their daily problems; presentation of a project for a community centre designed by the architect Ruxandra Antal. Together with the members of CARE centre, the members of Ofensiva Generozităţii group organized a workshop about how to make personal maps.